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How to clear tags from a string with JavaScript

<div id="mydiv">
        <b><a href="mypage.html">This is an example<a>.</b>
        This is another example.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var mystr = document.getElementById('mydiv').innerHTML;

I want to clear all tags, and get the salt text,

mystr = "This is an example this is another example.";

How can I do that?

like image 564
Okan Kocyigit Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 11:12

Okan Kocyigit

2 Answers

Using innerText and textContent:

var element = document.getElementById('mydiv');
var mystr = element.innerText || element.textContent;
  • innerText is supported by all browsers but FF
  • textContent is supported by all browsers but IE


I just saw that the string will still contain line breaks. You might want to remove them with replace:

mystr = mystr.replace(/\n/g, "");


As @Šime Vidas points out in his comment, it seems you have to handle the whites spaces a bit differently to fix the string in IE:

mystr = mystr.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
like image 153
Felix Kling Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 14:12

Felix Kling

Here is a different approach - remove the tags using replace with a regular expression:


Here is a fiddle

like image 30
Mike C Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 14:12

Mike C