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How to clear ImageView correctly?

For example, in my Activity I have such code (I skip the initialization of variables):

ImageView iview; //some ImageView
Bitmap b; //some Bitmap

Question is - how to clear iview resources correctly (with or without destroying view) ? Would ImageView free it's resources (used in native code) after b.recycle()?

I suppose, that ImageView doesn't just free it resources after Activity onStop (or onDestroy).

like image 335
Dmitry Zaytsev Avatar asked Feb 29 '12 11:02

Dmitry Zaytsev

2 Answers



like image 98
Samir Mangroliya Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Samir Mangroliya

no you need to unbindDrawables, you can do it by setting iview.setImageDrawable(null);

like image 37
jeet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
