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How to choose device when running a CUDA executable?



I'm connecting to a GPU cluster from the outside and I have no idea how to select the device on which to run my CUDA programs.

I know there are two Tesla GPU in the cluster, and I'd like to choose one of them.

Any ideas how? How do you choose the device you want to use when there are many connected to your computer?

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Michael Eilers Smith Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 06:01

Michael Eilers Smith

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1 Answers

You can set the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to a comma-separated list of device IDs to make only those devices visible to an application. Use this either to mask out devices or to change the visibility order of devices so that the CUDA runtime enumerates them in a specific order.

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kynan Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10
