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How to choose a WCF binding?

WCF binding chooser algorithm

I have watched a speak at a TechEd conference that showed a simple algorithm for choosing a WCF binding. I can't find this algorithm but I remember some of the main ideas:

  1. If your WCF service will have non-.NET clients choose Http Soap
  2. If your WCF will have .NET clients in other machines choose Net Tcp
  3. If your WCF will have .NET clients in the same machine choose Message Queue

Can anyone provide a link to the full version of this algorithm?

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Jader Dias Avatar asked Dec 01 '09 20:12

Jader Dias

People also ask

What are different bindings in WCF?

Bindings are objects that are used to specify the communication details that are required to connect to the endpoint of a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. Each endpoint in a WCF service requires a binding to be well-specified.

Which is a valid type of binding in WCF service?

There are two kinds of bindings: predefined and custom. Predefined bindings contain useful combinations of elements that are used in common scenarios. For a list of predefined binding types that WCF provides, see System-Provided Bindings.

What is default binding in WCF?

Default binding WCF allows you to use a default binding that affects all endpoints of all services of the application that uses the config file. A default binding is simply a nameless binding section. For example, in the case of TCP: <netTcpBinding> <binding transactionFlow = "true" /> </netTcpBinding>

2 Answers

Something like that maybe?

WCF Binding Decision Chart

WCF Binding Decision Chart http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/4686/wcfbindingdecisionchart.png


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marc_s Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10


I found another version of the algorithm:

https://mohammedatef.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/wcfbinding.jpg https://mohammedatef.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/wcfbinding.jpg

like image 21
Jader Dias Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Jader Dias