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How to choose a salt for a hash function meant to protect passwords?

I'm a (near complete) beginner, and this is my first foray into encryption - in fact this is probably the first time I use the word.

Here is my question: For a non banking / military, or even commercial, web app, what is the right way to choose a salt for a hash function used for passwords?

I can easily generate a pseudo random salt for each new user, and append that salt to their pw before applying the hash function. But I still need to store the salt so presumably anyone who gets access to the hashed passwords also gets the salts.

Is the benefit of the salt simply to make the pw "more random", and therefore defeat the standard dictionary-based rainbow tables?

Would any of the following be good & practical ideas:

  1. Store the salt in a separate db - maybe a separate system, definitely a different host, name, pw, etc.
  2. Generate the salt based on a hash of a user name (or first+last name, or sign up date), presumably using a different hash function? Then the salt itself would not be stored in the db - only the data used to compute it would...
  3. Store in the db a value which concatenates the hashed pw and the salt, in a non obvious manner (e.g., the salt is 10 random keys, and they are injected inside the hashed pw between letter numbers 1&2, 4&5, 8&9, etc).

As a side question, how easy is it to change a salted hash algorithm when upgrading the software of the website? It feels nightmarish right now.

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JDelage Avatar asked Sep 23 '10 21:09


People also ask

What is a good salt for hashing?

The classical recommendation for a salt for password hashing is: A random value of 128 bits or more; obtained from a cryptographically sound random number generator ( /dev/random or /dev/urandom on modern day Unixes); unique for each entry (i.e. don't re-use the same salt, generate a new salt for each new password);

What is salt please explain its role in protecting a password hash?

A cryptographic salt is made up of random bits added to each password instance before its hashing. Salts create unique passwords even in the instance of two users choosing the same passwords. Salts help us mitigate hash table attacks by forcing attackers to re-compute them using the salts for each user.

What's the minimum size a salt should be in order to keep passwords secure?

Every salt should ideally have a long salt value of at least the same length as the output of the hash. If the output of the hash function used is 256 bits or 32 bytes, the length of the salt value should at least be 32 bytes.

Why must each salt be unique for each password?

Using the same salt for all passwords is dangerous because a precomputed table which simply accounts for the salt will render the salt useless. Generation of precomputed tables for databases with unique salts for every password is not viable because of the computational cost of doing so.

2 Answers

  1. Makes checking the passwords more difficult - not recommended.
  2. Better just to generate a random number (64-bit is likely enough).
  3. See (in part) SO 1191112. The salt doesn't have to be secret; it just has to be different.

To answer your side question: also stash an algorithm ID (possibly a simple number, possibly a name string) along with the data. As you upgrade, you hash new passwords using the new, preferred algorithm, but you retain the old algorithm until everyone has changed their password and there are no stored passwords using the old algorithm. Again, this does not have to be secret - it just allows you to adapt to changes in the world. Clearly, if the old algorithm is suddenly exposed as worthless, you think about whether it is OK to use the incremental approach. But unless something dramatic like that happens, phasing in the new mechanism works pretty well. Try not to change your algorithm so often that you have three or more on the go at once - though there's no technical reason that the scheme cannot manage it. Also try to design your database so that the hash sizes can grow without causing ructions (so allow room for expansion from 64 to 128 bytes, or from 128 to 256, or ...).

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Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Jonathan Leffler

Yes, the salt is just there to prevent rainbow attacks on the hashed passwords. Generally I use a single salt value for all passwords. It's stored in my source code or configuration, so it's not in the database. But it's probably better to use a different salt for each user. That way, two users with the same password will not get the same hash.

You can simply store the salt in the database along with the password. The object of the salt is that you cannot precompute a rainbow table. It would take too much time. More time than simply brute-forcing the password directly. Even if the salt is known, the complete rainbow tables for that salt would have to be generated which is extremely expensive to do. So, it does not matter much if the salt is known.

It does not matter much how you pick your salt as long as you make sure that it's long enough. According to Wikipedia a 12-bit hash (used by old unix passwords) is extremely expensive to defeat but possible. 128-bit (as used by e.g. MD5) is too expensive to defeaut in the foreseeable future.

See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table#Defense_against_rainbow_tables

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Sander Marechal Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Sander Marechal