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How to check whether an email id exists or not?

How to check whether an email id exists or not using PHP? and to get information about the owner of the email id? is it possible to get the information about the owner of the email id? do have to work with some protocols like POP? Please help me.

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brainless Avatar asked Jan 12 '11 00:01


People also ask

How can I check if a Gmail account exists?

For Gmail and Google Apps Accounts Alternatively, you can go to the Gmail Sign-up page at accounts.google.com/SignUp and try creating a new Gmail account with the address that you are trying to verify. For valid email address, the error would say Someone already has that username.

1 Answers

There is no 100% guaranteed way of knowing if an email address is valid without sending an email and having the user respond in some way. There are checks you can do to increase the chances of knowing if an email address is valid or not. You can do a DNS lookup and see if the domain has an MX record. There are also parts of the SMTP protocol you can use, but nothing mandates that an SMTP server will respond to these commands. Centralops.net provides a product that can help, but again, it isn't guaranteed.

If there was a sure way of handling this, then why would virtually every site that has a registration feature require you to respond to an email in some way? The question isn't meant to be a snide one; I'm just hoping it helps you see that other sites have not been able to perform the very same check you are asking for.


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Brian Ball Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Brian Ball