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How to check string length with JavaScript

People also ask

How do you check the length of a string?

As you know, the best way to find the length of a string is by using the strlen() function.

Can you use .length on a string JavaScript?

The length function in Javascript is used to return the length of an object. And since length is a property of an object it can be used on both arrays and strings.

Can I get length of number in JavaScript?

Use the toString() method to covert the Number to string, then the length() method gives you length.

What is the length value of string object?

The length property of a String object contains the length of the string, in UTF-16 code units. length is a read-only data property of string instances.

As for the question which event you should use for this: use the input event, and fall back to keyup/keydown in older browsers.

Here’s an example, DOM0-style:

someElement.oninput = function() {
  this.onkeydown = null;
  // Your code goes here
someElement.onkeydown = function() {
  // Your code goes here

The other question is how to count the number of characters in the string. Depending on your definition of “character”, all answers posted so far are incorrect. The string.length answer is only reliable when you’re certain that only BMP Unicode symbols will be entered. For example, 'a'.length == 1, as you’d expect.

However, for supplementary (non-BMP) symbols, things are a bit different. For example, '𝌆'.length == 2, even though there’s only one Unicode symbol there. This is because JavaScript exposes UCS-2 code units as “characters”.

Luckily, it’s still possible to count the number of Unicode symbols in a JavaScript string through some hackery. You could use Punycode.js’s utility functions to convert between UCS-2 strings and Unicode code points for this:

// `String.length` replacement that only counts full Unicode characters
punycode.ucs2.decode('a').length; // 1
punycode.ucs2.decode('𝌆').length; // 1 (note that `'𝌆'.length == 2`!)

P.S. I just noticed the counter script that Stack Overflow uses gets this wrong. Try entering 𝌆, and you’ll see that it (incorrectly) counts as two characters.

UPDATE: Since I wrote this, the input event has gotten a decent level of support. It is still not 100% in IE9, so you will have to wait a bit until IE9 is fully phased out. In light of my answer to this question, however, input is more than a decent replacement for the method I've presented, so I recommend switching.

Use keyup event

var inp = document.getElementById('myinput');
var chars = document.getElementById('chars');
inp.onkeyup = function() {
  chars.innerHTML = inp.value.length;
<input id="myinput"><span id="chars">0</span>


Just a note for those that suggest keydown. That won't work. The keydown fires before character is added to the input box or textarea, so the length of the value would be wrong (one step behind). Therefore, the only solution that works is keyup, which fires after the character is added.

You should bind a function to keyup event

textarea.keyup = function(){

with jquery

   var length = $(this).val().length;

The quick and dirty way would be to simple bind to the keyup event.

    $('#divlen').text('you typed ' + this.value.length + ' characters');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<input type=text id=mytxt >
<div id=divlen></div>

But better would be to bind a reusable function to several events. For example also to the change(), so you can also anticipate text changes such as pastes (with the context menu, shortcuts would also be caught by the keyup )

 var myString = 'sample String';   var length = myString.length ;

first you need to defined a keypressed handler or some kind of a event trigger to listen , btw , getting the length is really simple like mentioned above