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how to check screen size of iphone 4 and iphone 5 programmatically in swift

I need to replace this Objective-C to Swift. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to transfer it?

if(UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {     CGSize result = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;     if(result.height == 480)     {         // iPhone Classic     }     if(result.height == 568)     {         // iPhone 5     } } 
like image 958
SantoshMaurya Avatar asked Jan 05 '15 08:01


People also ask

How do I change iPhone screen size?

Go to Settings > Display & Brightness. Tap View (below Display Zoom). Select Zoomed, then tap Set.

How do I reduce the size of my iPhone 5 screen?

Answer: A: You enabled Zoom in the Accessibility app. Start by double-tapping the screen with THREE fingers. Then go to settings/general/accessibility and turn off Zoom.

2 Answers

Xcode 12.4 • Swift 5.3 or later

extension UIDevice {     var iPhoneX: Bool { UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height == 2436 }     var iPhone: Bool { UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone }     var iPad: Bool { UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .pad }     enum ScreenType: String {         case iPhones_4_4S = "iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S"         case iPhones_5_5s_5c_SE = "iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c or iPhone SE"         case iPhones_6_6s_7_8 = "iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7 or iPhone 8"         case iPhones_6Plus_6sPlus_7Plus_8Plus = "iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7 Plus or iPhone 8 Plus"         case iPhones_6Plus_6sPlus_7Plus_8Plus_Simulators = "iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7 Plus or iPhone 8 Plus Simulators"         case iPhones_X_XS_12MiniSimulator = "iPhone X or iPhone XS or iPhone 12 Mini Simulator"         case iPhone_XR_11 = "iPhone XR or iPhone 11"         case iPhone_XSMax_ProMax = "iPhone XS Max or iPhone Pro Max"         case iPhone_11Pro = "iPhone 11 Pro"         case iPhone_12Mini = "iPhone 12 Mini"         case iPhone_12_12Pro = "iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 Pro"         case iPhone_12ProMax = "iPhone 12 Pro Max"         case unknown     }     var screenType: ScreenType {         switch UIScreen.main.nativeBounds.height {         case 1136: return .iPhones_5_5s_5c_SE         case 1334: return .iPhones_6_6s_7_8         case 1792: return .iPhone_XR_11         case 1920: return .iPhones_6Plus_6sPlus_7Plus_8Plus         case 2208: return .iPhones_6Plus_6sPlus_7Plus_8Plus_Simulators         case 2340: return .iPhone_12Mini         case 2426: return .iPhone_11Pro         case 2436: return .iPhones_X_XS_12MiniSimulator         case 2532: return .iPhone_12_12Pro         case 2688: return .iPhone_XSMax_ProMax         case 2778: return .iPhone_12ProMax         default: return .unknown         }     } } 

print("screenType:", UIDevice.current.screenType) 
like image 200
Leo Dabus Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Leo Dabus

Alternative solution with UIScreen extension ( iOS 8 and later):

extension UIScreen {      enum SizeType: CGFloat {         case Unknown = 0.0         case iPhone4 = 960.0         case iPhone5 = 1136.0         case iPhone6 = 1334.0         case iPhone6Plus = 1920.0     }      var sizeType: SizeType {         let height = nativeBounds.height         guard let sizeType = SizeType(rawValue: height) else { return .Unknown }         return sizeType     } } 


if UIScreen.mainScreen().sizeType == .iPhone4 {     // Make specific layout for small devices. } 
like image 27
Vlad Papko Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Vlad Papko