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How to check .NET BlockingCollection status and wait for completion?

I have a C# worker thread that saves batch of camera bitmaps to disc in by using BlockingCollection. It works nicely but I need a method to be called from main app that blocks execution until all queued bitmaps are saved (see end of message for example).

The whole class looks like:

namespace GrabGUI
    struct SaveTask
        public string fname;
        public Bitmap bm;

    class ImageWriter
        private BlockingCollection<SaveTask> queue = new BlockingCollection<SaveTask>();

        //resets when read
        public string ErrorsOccurred;
        private Thread writerthread;

        public ImageWriter()
            writerthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Writer));

        public void Stop()

        public string WaitForIdleAndGetErrors()

            return ErrorsOccurred;

        public void AddImageToQueue(string filename, Bitmap bmap)
            SaveTask t;

        void Writer()
            while (queue.IsCompleted==false)
                    SaveTask t = queue.Take();// blocks when the queue is empty
                    SaveBitmap(t.fname, t.bm);
                catch (Exception e)
                    //comes here after called Stop

        private void SaveBitmap(string filename,Bitmap m_bitmap)
            //saving code


And is used from main app like:

ImageWriter w=new ImageWriter();

w.AddImageToQueue(fname,bitmap);//repeat many times

//wait until whole queue is completed and get possible errors that occurred
string errors=w.WaitForIdleAndGetErrors();

So the question is how to implement the blocking wait to WaitForIdleAndGetErrors(). Any suggestions?

like image 325
TeroK Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 06:02


1 Answers

One very simple way here:

public string WaitForIdleAndGetErrors()
    while (queue.IsCompleted == false )

   return ErrorsOccurred;

Or use a ManualResetEventSlim:

Declare new instance var:

ManualResetEventSlim _mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

public string WaitForIdleAndGetErrors()
    if (queue.IsCompleted == false )

   return ErrorsOccurred;

Then when your queue is complete signal the mre.

_mre.Set();   // this will release any thread waiting.

Finally, you need to Reset() the _mre when an item is added for processing, this will cause any Wait() to block until the _mre is signaled (via Set())

Things to consider

If you call this with the UI Thread then all UI interaction will appear to be frozen, you'd be better off using a Timer to poll or something similar otherwise you will have a bad UI experience.

However you could fire this whole thing off using a BackgroundWorker and then Invoke a method/event that the UI thread will process upon completion.

like image 147
T McKeown Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 20:02

T McKeown