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How to check jenkins is installed in centos or not?

how to check Jenkins is installed in centOS7 or not?

Is there any command for that?.


like image 272
User Avatar asked Feb 20 '17 12:02


2 Answers

Go to your /var/lib/jenkins/ there will be a file called config.xml

View that file cat config.xml and there should be a xml entry called:


Or on the Jenkins home screen when it is running click the About button and you will see the version number there.

The generic start up for Jenkins is:

java -jar jenkins.war

Which can be found here

like image 138
Goralight Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10


As you've installed it through yum, this command should do

sudo service jenkins status

This one also (it's the same):

sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins status

If they return a missing file error, e.g. something like

env: /etc/init.d/jenkins: No such file or directory

, it's not installed - at least not through a package manager.

like image 35
Todor Minakov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10

Todor Minakov