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How to check if value is enum?



I would like to check if a value in dart is an Enum, and if so, serialize it automatically.

My sticking point is how to test if a value is an enum.

This is how I am testing for other types

if (T == int)
  val = prefs.getInt(this._key);
else if (T == double)
  val = prefs.getDouble(this._key);
else if (T == bool)
  val = prefs.getBool(this._key);
else if (T == String)
  val = prefs.getString(this._key);
else if ([""] is T)
  val = prefs.getStringList(this._key);

but I cannot seem to compare T to an enum

Since all enums have the same methods I was hoping to sense them and handle them accordingly

like image 673
Luke Pighetti Avatar asked Dec 25 '18 16:12

Luke Pighetti

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There are no macro tricks either. idea. or structure. That way you could control things such as quantity and incrementing values. Nov 14 '05 # 2 I'd like to check if a value is defined in an enum. /* a few hundred more values... */ compile-time, but I'd like to check it at run-time. changes, I'd have to update each validate switch.

1 Answers

As of late 2021, all enums extend Enum

You can now finally use is Enum directly:

enum MyEnum {one, two, three}

var x = "a";
var y = MyEnum.one;

print(x is Enum); // false
print(y is Enum); // true

Which also means you can now create extensions for enums:

extension EnumExtension on Enum { ... }
like image 183
MarcG Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
