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How to check if table is already joined in Laravel Query Builder

I created a query. I want to join my table with students table:

$query->leftJoin('students', 'learners.student_id', '=', 'students.id');

But I don't know my table joined before or not. How should I do that?

like image 317
Roham Rafii Avatar asked Feb 27 '19 09:02

Roham Rafii

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1 Answers

I found this solution:

function joined($query, $table) {
    $joins = $query->getQuery()->joins;
    if($joins == null) {
        return false;
    foreach ($joins as $join) {
        if ($join->table == $table) {
            return true;
    return false;

if ( joined($query, 'students') ) {
    $query->leftJoin('students', 'learners.student_id', '=', 'students.id');
like image 166
Roham Rafii Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09

Roham Rafii