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how to check if stored procedure exists or not in sql server using c# code

I tried below code for cheking SP is alredy exist or not. if not exist i am creating..

But every time it is showing sp is not created.....But my database already have this sp.

Let me know where i am doing mistake.

string checkSP = String.Format(
  "IF OBJECT_ID('{0}', 'U') IS NOT NULL SELECT 'true' ELSE SELECT 'false'", 

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(checkSP, myConnection);
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

if (myConnection == null || myConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
    catch (Exception a)
        MessageBox.Show("Error " + a.Message);

bool Exist = false;
Exist = Convert.ToBoolean(command.ExecuteScalar());
if (Exist == false)   //false : SP does not exist
    // here i am writing code for creating SP
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Kavitha Avatar asked Dec 10 '12 08:12


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Could not find stored procedure when it exists?

This error states “Could not find stored procedure 'GO'“. It simply means that the SQL Server could found the stored procedure with the name “GO“. Now, the main reason behind this error could be the misuse of the “GO” statement.

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DROP PROCEDURE removes the definition of one or more existing procedures. To execute this command the user must be the owner of the procedure(s). The argument types to the procedure(s) usually must be specified, since several different procedures can exist with the same name and different argument lists.

1 Answers

For those who use Entity Framework and a DbContext:

create an extension class for DbContext:

internal static class DbContextExtensions
    public static bool StoredProcedureExists(this DbContext context,
        string procedureName)
        string query = String.Format(
            @"select top 1 from sys.procedures " +
              "where [type_desc] = '{0}'", procedureName);
        return dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<string>(query).Any();

As robIII remarked, this code should not be published to the outside world as it makes the database vulnerable for hackers (thank you RobIII!). To prevent this use a parameterized statement. The problem with the above mentioned method is described here

The solution is to put procedureName as a parameter in an SQL statement. SQL will check if the string parameter has the desired format, thus inhibiting malicious calls:

public static bool ImprovedExists(this DbContext dbContext, string procedureName)
    object[] functionParameters = new object[]
        new SqlParameter(@"procedurename", procedureName),
    const string query = @"select [name] from sys.procedures where name= @procedurename";
    return dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<string>(query, functionParameters).Any();
like image 141
Harald Coppoolse Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Harald Coppoolse