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How to check if private method is defined in ruby




The closest I can find is In Ruby, how do I check if method "foo=()" is defined?, but it only works if the method is public, even when inside the class block.

What I want:

class Foo

  def bar

  magic_private_method_defined_test_method :bar #=> true

What I've tried:

class Foo

  def bar

  respond_to? :bar #=> false
  #this actually calls respond_to on the class, and so respond_to :superclass gives true
  defined? :bar #=> nil
  instance_methods.include?(:bar) #=> false
  methods.include?(:bar) #=> false
  method_defined?(:bar) #=> false
  def bar
  end # redefining doesn't cause an error or anything

  def bar
    "redefined publicly!"
  end #causes no error, behaves no differently whether or not #bar had been defined previously
like image 315
Shelvacu Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 21:11


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Try the “safe navigator operator” (Ruby 2.3+) which only calls a method if the variable is not nil. These aren’t as universal as the defined? keyword, but they are more predictable & less prone to errors. You can use defined? to check if a method is defined, but it’s not that practical.

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2 Answers

Another way is to use :respond_to?, e.g.

self.respond_to?(:bar, true)

Note that the second parameter is important here - it denotes that :respond_to? should look for all scope methods including private methods.

like image 135
elquimista Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09


You want Module#private_method_defined?.

class Foo
  def do_stuff_if_bar_is_defined
    if self.class.private_method_defined?(:bar)


  def bar

  private_method_defined? :bar #=> true
Foo.private_method_defined? :bar #=> true
like image 37
Shelvacu Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
