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How to check if NSDictionary is not nil in Swift 2




I'm getting NSDictionary as parameter in my function but having problem because don't know how to check if that parameter is not nil.

My function looks like this:

func doSmth(val : NSDictionary)

Inside my function I'm trying to get some values:

let action = val["action"] as! String

But getting error "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" when receive parameter val as nil.

like image 858
MantasG Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 21:08


2 Answers

The error is due to assuming (force casting) a value that can sometimes be nil. Swift is awesome, because it allows conditional unwraps and conditional casts in very concise statements. I recommend the following (for Swift 1-3):

Use "if let" to conditionally check for "action" in the dictionary.

Use as? to conditionally cast the value to a String

if let actionString = val["action"] as? String {
   // action is not nil, is a String type, and is now stored in actionString
} else {
   // action was either nil, or not a String type
like image 181
Lytic Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


You can also access the allKeys or alternatively allValues property and check if the array contains any elements like so:

let dic = NSDictionary()
let total = dic.allKeys.count

    if total > 0 {

        // Something's in there


    else {

        // Nothing in there


Here is how you can detect if the NSDictionary is nil, if they key you are looking for exists, and if it does attempt to access it's value:

let yourKey = "yourKey"

if let dic = response.someDictionary as? NSDictionary {
    // We've got a live one. NSDictionary is valid.

    // Check the existence of key - OR check dic.allKeys.containsObject(yourKey).
    let keyExists: Bool = false;
    for var key as String in dic.allKeys {

        if key == yourKey {
            keyExists = true;

    // If yourKey exists, access it's possible value.
    if keyExists == true {

       // Access your value
        if let value = dic[yourKey] as? AnyObject {
             // We're in business. We have the value!

        else {
            // yourKey does not contain a value.


    else {
        // yourKey does not exist in NSDictionary.


else {
    // Call an ambulance. NSDictionary is nil.
like image 33
Brandon A Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10

Brandon A