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How to check if JSON object is empty in PHP?


I'm reading JSON data with PHP and that data contains empty objects (like {}). So the problem is, I have to handle the case when object is empty in different manner but I can't find good enough way to do the check. empty(get_object_vars(object)) looks too scary and very inefficient. Is there good way to do the check?

like image 682
vava Avatar asked Sep 07 '09 13:09


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Therefore you can use count() (if the object is Countable). Or by using get_object_vars() , e.g.

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php $json = '{"hello": ["world"], "goodbye": []}'; $decoded = json_decode($json); print "Is hello empty? " . empty($decoded->{'hello'}); print "\n"; print "Is goodbye empty? " . empty($decoded->{'world'}); print "\n"; ?>

2 Answers

How many objects are you unserializing? Unless empty(get_object_vars($object)) or casting to array proves to be a major slowdown/bottleneck, I wouldn't worry about it – Greg's solution is just fine.

I'd suggest using the the $associative flag when decoding the JSON data, though:

json_decode($data, true) 

This decodes JSON objects as plain old PHP arrays instead of as stdClass objects. Then you can check for empty objects using empty() and create objects of a user-defined class instead of using stdClass, which is probably a good idea in the long run.

like image 178
Øystein Riiser Gundersen Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Øystein Riiser Gundersen

You could cast it to an array (unfortunately you can't do this within a call to empty():

$x = (array)$obj; if (empty($x))     ... 

Or cast to an array and count():

if (count((array)$obj))     ... 
like image 31
Greg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
