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How to check if *either* character is in a string in Python? [closed]




I know about:

if 'a' in 'cat':

but is there a better way to finding if either of two letters exist in a string?

The following are some ways,

if 'a' in 'cat' or 'd' in 'cat':

if re.search( '.*[ad].*', 'cat' ):

but is there something cleaner/faster/clearer?


# not actual python code
if either ['a', 'd'] in 'cat':
like image 351
user2738698 Avatar asked Mar 26 '15 15:03


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2 Answers

You can use the any() function:

if any(item in 'cat' for item in ['a', 'd']):  # Will evaluate to True

There is also the all() function which will check if all conditions are true:

if all(item in 'cat' for item in ['a', 'd']):  # Will evaluate to False
like image 168
Selcuk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10


You could use sets:

if set('ab').intersection(set('cat')):
like image 25
Lee Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
