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How to check if an object its *exactly* a class, not a derived one?




There is any way to determine if an object is exactly a class and not a derived one of that?

For instance:

class A : X { }

class B : A { }

I can do something like this:

bool isExactlyA(X obj)
   return (obj is A) && !(obj is B);

Of course if there are more derived classes of A I'd have to add and conditions.

like image 861
FerranB Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 14:12


2 Answers

Generalizing snicker's answer:

public static bool IsExactly<T>(this object obj) where T : class
  return obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(T);

and now you can say

if (foo.IsExactly<Frob>()) ...

Caveat: use extension methods on object judiciously. Depending on how widely you use this technique, this might not be justified.

like image 197
Eric Lippert Avatar answered May 18 '23 12:05

Eric Lippert

in your specific instance:

bool isExactlyA(X obj)
   return obj.GetType() == typeof(A);
like image 24
snicker Avatar answered May 18 '23 13:05
