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How to check if a record is saved in the database using rspec with Rails 4?


How do I write a spec to check if a new record is created in the database after a successful user signup? Using rspec in Rails 4 with capybara, factorygirl, and database_cleaner gems.

I feel like this situation is common and an answer should be easy to find, but I haven't been able to find one here or via google.

like image 724
jeffhale Avatar asked May 11 '15 02:05


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1 Answers

You probably want the change matcher

You will do something like:

expect {    post :create, :user => {:user => :attributes } }.to change { User.count } 


expect {    post :create, :user => {:user => :attributes } }.to change(User, :count) 

This code says:

expect that running this first block of code to change the value I get when I run that block of code

and is functionally equivalent to writing:

before_count = User.count post :create, :user => {:user => :attributes } expect(User.count).not_to eq(before_count) 
like image 68
Taryn East Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10

Taryn East