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How to check if a function is called using call/apply



function foo(){
    console.log('foo', this);

foo.call({ bar: 1 });
foo.apply([{ bar: 1 }]);

Is there any way to know if foo() was called using a normal invoke or call/apply?


like image 734
Johan Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 12:10


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1 Answers

No. You can't detect if a function is called from call/apply or normally.

They're not magical beings, all they do is set the arguments and this value. There is a subtle difference when it comes to undefined/undeclared values but that's it.

All .apply and .call do in ES5 is:

Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func, providing thisArg as the this value and argList as the list of arguments.

It sets the internal caller attribute correctly so something naive like this would not work.

like image 134
Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Benjamin Gruenbaum