I'm writing a program that need to load a few other files. is there a way to check if those files are signed or not, without right clicking them and check? I use 300-400 files that change every few days I need to check DLL/EXE/CAB/OCX/MSI (and maybe also vbs/js)
is there a way to check it?
Assuming you want to check if a file is Authenticode signed and that the certificate is trusted you can pinvoke to WinVerifyTrust
in Wintrust.dll
Below is a wrapper (more or less reproduced from here) that can be called as follows:
Where AuthenticodeTools
is defined as follows:
internal static class AuthenticodeTools { [DllImport("Wintrust.dll", PreserveSig = true, SetLastError = false)] private static extern uint WinVerifyTrust(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr pgActionID, IntPtr pWinTrustData); private static uint WinVerifyTrust(string fileName) { Guid wintrust_action_generic_verify_v2 = new Guid("{00AAC56B-CD44-11d0-8CC2-00C04FC295EE}"); uint result=0; using (WINTRUST_FILE_INFO fileInfo = new WINTRUST_FILE_INFO(fileName, Guid.Empty)) using (UnmanagedPointer guidPtr = new UnmanagedPointer(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (Guid))), AllocMethod.HGlobal)) using (UnmanagedPointer wvtDataPtr = new UnmanagedPointer(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (WINTRUST_DATA))), AllocMethod.HGlobal)) { WINTRUST_DATA data = new WINTRUST_DATA(fileInfo); IntPtr pGuid = guidPtr; IntPtr pData = wvtDataPtr; Marshal.StructureToPtr(wintrust_action_generic_verify_v2, pGuid, true); Marshal.StructureToPtr(data, pData, true); result = WinVerifyTrust(IntPtr.Zero, pGuid, pData); } return result; } public static bool IsTrusted(string fileName) { return WinVerifyTrust(fileName) == 0; } } internal struct WINTRUST_FILE_INFO : IDisposable { public WINTRUST_FILE_INFO(string fileName, Guid subject) { cbStruct = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO)); pcwszFilePath = fileName; if (subject != Guid.Empty) { pgKnownSubject = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Guid))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(subject, pgKnownSubject, true); } else { pgKnownSubject = IntPtr.Zero; } hFile = IntPtr.Zero; } public uint cbStruct; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] public string pcwszFilePath; public IntPtr hFile; public IntPtr pgKnownSubject; #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (pgKnownSubject != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.DestroyStructure(this.pgKnownSubject, typeof(Guid)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(this.pgKnownSubject); } } #endregion } enum AllocMethod { HGlobal, CoTaskMem }; enum UnionChoice { File = 1, Catalog, Blob, Signer, Cert }; enum UiChoice { All = 1, NoUI, NoBad, NoGood }; enum RevocationCheckFlags { None = 0, WholeChain }; enum StateAction { Ignore = 0, Verify, Close, AutoCache, AutoCacheFlush }; enum TrustProviderFlags { UseIE4Trust = 1, NoIE4Chain = 2, NoPolicyUsage = 4, RevocationCheckNone = 16, RevocationCheckEndCert = 32, RevocationCheckChain = 64, RecovationCheckChainExcludeRoot = 128, Safer = 256, HashOnly = 512, UseDefaultOSVerCheck = 1024, LifetimeSigning = 2048 }; enum UIContext { Execute = 0, Install }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct WINTRUST_DATA : IDisposable { public WINTRUST_DATA(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO fileInfo) { this.cbStruct = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WINTRUST_DATA)); pInfoStruct = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(fileInfo, pInfoStruct, false); this.dwUnionChoice = UnionChoice.File; pPolicyCallbackData = IntPtr.Zero; pSIPCallbackData = IntPtr.Zero; dwUIChoice = UiChoice.NoUI; fdwRevocationChecks = RevocationCheckFlags.None; dwStateAction = StateAction.Ignore; hWVTStateData = IntPtr.Zero; pwszURLReference = IntPtr.Zero; dwProvFlags = TrustProviderFlags.Safer; dwUIContext = UIContext.Execute; } public uint cbStruct; public IntPtr pPolicyCallbackData; public IntPtr pSIPCallbackData; public UiChoice dwUIChoice; public RevocationCheckFlags fdwRevocationChecks; public UnionChoice dwUnionChoice; public IntPtr pInfoStruct; public StateAction dwStateAction; public IntPtr hWVTStateData; private IntPtr pwszURLReference; public TrustProviderFlags dwProvFlags; public UIContext dwUIContext; #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (dwUnionChoice == UnionChoice.File) { WINTRUST_FILE_INFO info = new WINTRUST_FILE_INFO(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(pInfoStruct, info); info.Dispose(); Marshal.DestroyStructure(pInfoStruct, typeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO)); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pInfoStruct); } #endregion } internal sealed class UnmanagedPointer : IDisposable { private IntPtr m_ptr; private AllocMethod m_meth; internal UnmanagedPointer(IntPtr ptr, AllocMethod method) { m_meth = method; m_ptr = ptr; } ~UnmanagedPointer() { Dispose(false); } #region IDisposable Members private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (m_ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { if (m_meth == AllocMethod.HGlobal) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(m_ptr); } else if (m_meth == AllocMethod.CoTaskMem) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(m_ptr); } m_ptr = IntPtr.Zero; } if (disposing) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } #endregion public static implicit operator IntPtr(UnmanagedPointer ptr) { return ptr.m_ptr; } }
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