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How to check if a file exists in a shell script



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How do you check a file is exist or not in shell script?

Open the “testfile.sh” in any text editor. Then write the script, save it by pressing “save”. One way is to find a file by asking for a filename from the user in the terminal. Use “-f” to check the file's existence.

How check file exist in Unix?

You can easily find out if a regular file does or does not exist in Bash shell under macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and Unix-like operating system. You can use [ expression ] , [[ expression ]] , test expression , or if [ expression ]; then .... fi in bash shell along with a ! operator.

How do I check to see if a file exists?

To check if a file exists, you pass the file path to the exists() function from the os. path standard library. If the file exists, the exists() function returns True . Otherwise, it returns False .

You're missing a required space between the bracket and -e:

if [ -e x.txt ]
    echo "ok"
    echo "nok"

Here is an alternative method using ls:

(ls x.txt && echo yes) || echo no

If you want to hide any output from ls so you only see yes or no, redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null:

(ls x.txt >> /dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes) || echo no

The backdrop to my solution recommendation is the story of a friend who, well into the second week of his first job, wiped half a build-server clean. So the basic task is to figure out if a file exists, and if so, let's delete it. But there are a few treacherous rapids on this river:

  • Everything is a file.

  • Scripts have real power only if they solve general tasks

  • To be general, we use variables

  • We often use -f force in scripts to avoid manual intervention

  • And also love -r recursive to make sure we create, copy and destroy in a timely fashion.

Consider the following scenario:

We have the file we want to delete: filesexists.json

This filename is stored in a variable

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists filevariable="filesexists.json"

We also hava a path variable to make things really flexible

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists pathtofile=".."

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists ls $pathtofile

filesexists.json  history20170728  SE-Data-API.pem  thisfolderexists

So let's see if -e does what it is supposed to. Does the files exist?

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists [ -e $pathtofile/$filevariable ]; echo $?


It does. Magic.

However, what would happen, if the file variable got accidentally be evaluated to nuffin'

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists filevariable=""

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists [ -e $pathtofile/$filevariable ]; echo $?


What? It is supposed to return with an error... And this is the beginning of the story how that entire folder got deleted by accident

An alternative could be to test specifically for what we understand to be a 'file'

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists filevariable="filesexists.json"

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists test -f $pathtofile/$filevariable; echo $?


So the file exists...

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists filevariable=""

<host>:~/Documents/thisfolderexists test -f $pathtofile/$filevariable; echo $?


So this is not a file and maybe, we do not want to delete that entire directory

man test has the following to say:


       FILE exists and is block special


       FILE exists and is character special


       FILE exists and is a directory


       FILE exists


       FILE exists and is a regular file



       FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L)

Internally, the rm command must test for file existence anyway,
so why add another test? Just issue

rm filename

and it will be gone after that, whether it was there or not.
Use rm -f is you don't want any messages about non-existent files.

If you need to take some action if the file does NOT exist, then you must test for that yourself. Based on your example code, this is not the case in this instance.