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How to check if a date is earlier than today's date

I have a program that runs a Windows "net user" command to get the expiration date of a user. For example: "net user justinb /domain"

The program grabs the expiration date. I am taking that expiration date and setting it as variable datd

In the example below, we'll pretend the expiration date given was 1/10/2018. (Note: Windows does not put a 0 in front of the month)

import time

datd = "1/10/2018"

# places a 0 in front of the month if only 1 digit received for month
d = datd.split("/")
if len(d[0])==1:
    print("Changed to: " + datd)

myDate = (time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"))

print ("This is today's date: " + myDate)

if datd <= myDate:    # if datd is is earlier than todays date
    print (" Password expired. ")
    print (" Password not expired. ")

input(" Press Enter to exit.")

Right now, it gives me correct information if datd equals a date in 2017. I am getting a problem with the year 2018 and on though. It is telling me that 1/10/2018 comes before today's date of 10/24/2017. Is there a way I change the format of the dates properly so that they are read correctly in this program?

I want the output to say that the "Password is not expired" if datd = 1/10/2018

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Kade Williams Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 16:10

Kade Williams

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strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) print ("This is today's date: " + myDate) if datd <= myDate: # if datd is is earlier than todays date print (" Password expired. ") else: print (" Password not expired. ") input(" Press Enter to exit. ")

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1 Answers

from datetime import datetime

string_input_with_date = "25/10/2017"
past = datetime.strptime(string_input_with_date, "%d/%m/%Y")
present = datetime.now()
past.date() < present.date()

This should do the job for you! Both handling day in format with leading 0 and without it.

Use .date() to make comparision of datetimes just to extent of daily date.

Warning: if you would like to be 100% correct and purist take care about timezone related issues. Make sure what time zone is assumed in your windows domain etc.


datetime strptime - https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior

like image 130
andilabs Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
