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How to Check For Dark Mode in Xamarin.Forms

Now that iOS 13 and Android Q allow the user to enable Dark Mode at the operating system level, how can I check for it in Xamarin.Forms?

I've created this in my Xamarin.Forms project, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the values from Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.


using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyNamespace
    public interface IEnvironment
        Theme GetOperatingSystemTheme();
        Task<Theme> GetOperatingSystemThemeAsync();

    public enum Theme { Light, Dark }


using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace MyNamespace
    public App : Application
        // ...

        protected override async void OnStart()

            Theme theme = DependencyService.Get<IEnvironment>().GetOperatingSystemTheme();


        protected override async void OnResume()

            Theme theme = DependencyService.Get<IEnvironment>().GetOperatingSystemTheme();


        void SetTheme(Theme theme)
            //Handle Light Theme & Dark Theme
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Brandon Minnick Avatar asked Sep 11 '19 00:09

Brandon Minnick

2 Answers

UPDATE as of April 2020:

It is no longer necessary to use platform-specific services to check for light/dark mode in Xamarin.Forms.

We can now get the current theme directly via:

OSAppTheme currentTheme = Application.Current.RequestedTheme;

where the RequestedTheme property returns an OSAppTheme enumeration member: Unspecified, Dark, or Light.

For more info: see documentation and the updated Xamarin.Forms Application.cs code.

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LittleCornerDev Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10


We can use the Xamarin.Forms dependency service to access the platform-specific code from iOS and Android.

I've gone into more depth here in this blog post: https://codetraveler.io/2019/09/10/check-for-dark-mode-in-xamarin-forms/

Xamarin.Forms Code


using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyNamespace
    public interface IEnvironment
        Theme GetOperatingSystemTheme();
        Task<Theme> GetOperatingSystemThemeAsync();

    public enum Theme { Light, Dark }


using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace MyNamespace
    public App : Application
        // ...

        protected override async void OnStart()

            Theme theme = DependencyService.Get<IEnvironment>().GetOperatingSystemTheme();


        protected override async void OnResume()

            Theme theme = DependencyService.Get<IEnvironment>().GetOperatingSystemTheme();


        void SetTheme(Theme theme)
            //Handle Light Theme & Dark Theme


using System;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using MyNamespace;
using MyNamespace.iOS;

[assembly: Dependency(typeof(Environment_iOS))]
namespace MyNamespace.iOS
    public class Environment_iOS : IEnvironment
        public Theme GetOperatingSystemTheme()
            //Ensure the current device is running 12.0 or higher, because `TraitCollection.UserInterfaceStyle` was introduced in iOS 12.0
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(12, 0))
                var currentUIViewController = GetVisibleViewController();

                var userInterfaceStyle = currentUIViewController.TraitCollection.UserInterfaceStyle;

                switch (userInterfaceStyle)
                    case UIUserInterfaceStyle.Light:
                        return Theme.Light;
                    case UIUserInterfaceStyle.Dark:
                        return Theme.Dark;
                        throw new NotSupportedException($"UIUserInterfaceStyle {userInterfaceStyle} not supported");
                return Theme.Light;

        // UIApplication.SharedApplication can only be referenced by the Main Thread, so we'll use Device.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync which was introduced in Xamarin.Forms v4.2.0
        public async Task<Theme> GetOperatingSystemThemeAsync() =>

        static UIViewController GetVisibleViewController()
            UIViewController viewController = null;

            var window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;

            if (window.WindowLevel == UIWindowLevel.Normal)
                viewController = window.RootViewController;

            if (viewController is null)
                window = UIApplication.SharedApplication
                    .OrderByDescending(w => w.WindowLevel)
                    .FirstOrDefault(w => w.RootViewController != null && w.WindowLevel == UIWindowLevel.Normal);

                if (window is null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find current view controller.");

                viewController = window.RootViewController;

            while (viewController.PresentedViewController != null)
                viewController = viewController.PresentedViewController;

            return viewController;


using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Android.Content.Res;
using Plugin.CurrentActivity;
using Xamarin.Forms;

using MyNamespace;
using MyNamespace.Android;

[assembly: Dependency(typeof(Environment_Android))]
namespace MyNamespace.Android
    public class Environment_Android : IEnvironment
        public Task<Theme> GetOperatingSystemThemeAsync()  =>

        public Theme GetOperatingSystemTheme()
            //Ensure the device is running Android Froyo or higher because UIMode was added in Android Froyo, API 8.0
            if(Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.Froyo)
                var uiModeFlags = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.AppContext.Resources.Configuration.UiMode & UiMode.NightMask;

                    case UiMode.NightYes:
                        return Theme.Dark;

                    case UiMode.NightNo:
                        return Theme.Light;

                        throw new NotSupportedException($"UiMode {uiModelFlags} not supported");
                return Theme.Light;
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Brandon Minnick Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10

Brandon Minnick