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How to check correctly if a temporary table exists in SQL Server 2005?

I have a query where I insert some values from a table:

SELECT ID, NAME INTO #tmpTable1 FROM TableOriginal 

First execution is fine, if I press F5(Run) in MSSMS (Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio), the error occured:

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 4
There is already an object named '#tmpTable1' in the database.

Good. I decided to check before insert data from TableOriginal to #tmpTable1 using:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.#tmpTable1') IS NOT NULL     DROP TABLE #tmpTable1 

Not working, the error shows again as above.

I saw in tempdb database the following temporary table name:


Why? Every time when create a temporary table (using first query), the table name will be generated automatically in MSSMS ?

How to remove the existing temporary table to do a new table with new values ?

like image 378
Snake Eyes Avatar asked Aug 16 '12 11:08

Snake Eyes

People also ask

How do you check and drop a temp table in SQL?

Consider using the following pattern: BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE #Results; ...; DROP TABLE #Results; COMMIT . If the transaction succeeds, the table will be removed. If it fails, the table will be gone as well (since it was created within the transaction). In any case: No need to check if the table already exists.

Where are temp tables stored in SQL Server?

Temporary tables are stored inside the Temporary Folder of tempdb. Whenever we create a temporary table, it goes to the Temporary folder of the tempdb database.

How do you reference a temporary table in SQL?

Local SQL Server temp tables are created using the pound symbol or “hashtag” followed by the table name. For example: #Table_name.

1 Answers

You're darn close - you need to use two dots in your check:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpTable1') IS NOT NULL                       **                      |                   use two dots here! 

Basically, this is saying: check in the tempDB and I don't care what schema the table is in

As Joe rightfully said: this is not 100% correct: it doesn't check in every schema - it will only check in the default owner's schema - normally dbo. So this would work, too:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpTable1') IS NOT NULL   

If you happen to create your objects in a schema other than the default owner's, then you'll need to explicitly specify the schema you're referring to. But the temp tables in tempDB are indeed creating in the dbo schema.

like image 141
marc_s Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
