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How to change zIndex in react-select drowpdown

I am using the react-select library to create autocomplete drop-down. I have used 2 drop-down parallel if 2nd has some data & I open first one then the zIndex problem comes. see the imageenter image description here

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Khushboo Avatar asked Apr 24 '19 13:04


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2 Answers

Add these lines in your all Select tag:

<Select      // other props     menuPortalTarget={document.body}      styles={{ menuPortal: base => ({ ...base, zIndex: 9999 }) }} /> 
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hemant rao Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10

hemant rao

Try this hacky way of setting zIndex, and let me know if it worked :)

<Select   styles={{     // Fixes the overlapping problem of the component     menu: provided => ({ ...provided, zIndex: 9999 })   }}   value={selectedOption}   onChange={evt => onSelectChange(evt, index)}   options={options} /> 
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Vicente Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
