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How to change X-Axis Interval on Chart.js

I have a line graph on Chart.js and am trying to edit the intervals on the x-axis and the y-axis.

My y-axis intervals are functioning as expected, but my x-axis intervals are not.

I tried the following code

let myChart = new Chart(inputChart, {
    type: 'line',
    data: {
          labels: [1,2,....,360] // list of values from python script
          data: [360 random numbers here] 
    options: {
        scales: {
            yAxes: [{
                ticks: {
                     stepSize: 40 // this worked as expected
            xAxes: [{
                id: 'main-x-axis',
                ticks: {
                    stepSize: 30 // this did not work as expected

With 360 datapoints, I just want to basically see 12 intervals (in increments of 30), but I am seeing 90 intervals in increments of 4 instead. Am I just using the wrong property for stepSize? If so what is the correct property?

like image 390
kashmoney Avatar asked Nov 28 '18 16:11


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To change the interval between axis labels, expand Labels, and then under Interval between labels, select Specify interval unit and type the number you want in the text box.

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The X-axis contains either strings of text or a date under each set of data points. You can choose to have this axis only display the text or date at certain intervals, but the process is a little different depending on what kind of axis you have.

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What is scales in Chart JS?

The linear scale is used to chart numerical data. It can be placed on either the x or y-axis. The scatter chart type automatically configures a line chart to use one of these scales for the x-axis. As the name suggests, linear interpolation is used to determine where a value lies on the axis.

1 Answers

It can be done using the maxTicksLimit option of xAxes, see this working fiddle -> http://jsfiddle.net/Lzo5g01n/3/

xAxes: [{
    type: 'time',
    ticks: {
        autoSkip: true,
        maxTicksLimit: 20
like image 134
Kunal Khivensara Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 18:12

Kunal Khivensara