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How to change values on x and y-axis to words in seaborn pairplot?

I want to change values on X and Y-axis in seaborn scatter plot to words. Below is my code to draw a scatter plot with values. Before that I replaced all user input (words) in pandas Data Frame to float type, cause It doesn't draw plot with letters, but now I need to change X and Y-axis values to words.

sns.pairplot(data=db, y_vars=['Dayanswer'], x_vars=['Season','Day'])

Here is the scatter plot with values on X and Y-axis I want to change on Y-axis: '1.0' to Good, '0.5' to 'Normal' and '0.0' to 'Bad', and on X-axis: in season '2.0' to 'Spring', '3.0' to 'Summer', in Day: '1' to 'Monday', '2' to 'Tuesday' and so on to get something like this . How can I do it?

like image 998
BohdanS Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 20:03


1 Answers

Use set_xticks, set_xticklabels and so on from matplotlib library to achieve your purpose:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")
pp = sns.pairplot(data=iris, x_vars=['sepal_length', 'sepal_width'],  y_vars=['petal_width'])

# set y labels
for ax in pp.axes.flat: # iterate over all axes object of pairplot

# set x labels
# 1st plot

# 2nd plot


enter image description here

like image 174
Serenity Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 06:03
