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How to change values of foreign keys in postgresql?

Let's say I have two tables: Customer and City. There are many Customers that live in the same City. The cities have an uid that is primary key. The customers have a foreign key reference to their respective city via Customer.city_uid.

I have to swap two City.uids with one another for external reasons. But the customers should stay attached to their cities. Therefore it is necessary to swap the Customer.city_uids as well. So I thought I first swap the City.uids and then change the Customer.city_uids accordingliy via an UPDATE-statement. Unfortunately, I can not do that since these uids are referenced from the Customer-table and PostgreSQL prevents me from doing that.

Is there an easy way of swapping the two City.uids with one another as well as the Customer.city_uids?

like image 920
AME Avatar asked Oct 15 '12 09:10


1 Answers

One solution could be:

1. Drop foreign key
2. Make update
3. Create foreign key


1. Insert "new" correct information
2. Remove outdated information
like image 135
doctore Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09
