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How to change TypeScriptToolsVersion from 3.7 to 3.8

I am developing a project in VS2019. When I compile it, I receive the following warning:

warning : Your project specifies TypeScriptToolsVersion 3.7, but a matching compiler was not found. The latest available TypeScript compiler will be used (3.8). To remove this warning, install the TypeScript 3.7 SDK or update the value of TypeScriptToolsVersion.

I was trying to find where TypeScript version is specified but I did not find it. Microsoft.TypeScript.targets does not define it, however, if it would, I think I could change the value by not modifying that file directly.

Where can I fix that?


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jstuardo Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 13:12


2 Answers

Go to your project Properties -> "TypeScript build" tab and in the field: "TypeScript version" either choose specific version or select "Use latest available"

enter image description here

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BogdanRB Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 05:03


Look for TypeScriptToolsVersion tags in your csproj files and update to required version.

like image 42
max Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 04:03
