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How to change title of a page using angular(angular 2 or 4) route?


I want to change the title of the page whenever I click or browse the link from the URL bar. How to change that using Angular route? I am using angular version 4 and angular cli.

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Shakti Avatar asked May 16 '17 11:05


People also ask

What is the correct code for changing the title of a page or document in Angular?

We use SetTitle to set the title of the page and GetTitle to find out the current title of the page.

What would you use in Angular 2 to define routes?

Instead of “href” attribute of anchor tag, we use the “routerLink” attribute of Angular. The routerLink attribute allows us to link to a specific route of the Application.

What is the use of Activatedroute in Angular?

ActivatedRoutelink. Provides access to information about a route associated with a component that is loaded in an outlet.

What is Title in Angular?

A service that can be used to get and set the title of a current HTML document. class Title { getTitle(): string setTitle(newTitle: string) }

2 Answers

You can to use @angular/plateform-browser to use the setTitle():

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';  @Component({   selector: 'your-component', })  export class YourComponent implements onInit {   constructor(private title: Title) {}   ngOnInit() {      this.title.setTitle('Title for this component');  }  } 
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Shubham Verma Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Shubham Verma

you have to pass "title" as data to your route

const routes: Routes = [{   path: 'calendar',   component: CalendarComponent,   children: [     { path: '', redirectTo: 'new', pathMatch: 'full' },     { path: 'all', component: CalendarListComponent, data: { title: 'My Calendar' } },     { path: 'new', component: CalendarEventComponent, data: { title: 'New Calendar Entry' } },     { path: ':id', component: CalendarEventComponent, data: { title: 'Calendar Entry' } }   ] }]; 

Then do this imports in your Component:

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { Router, NavigationEnd, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';  import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap'; 

Once imported, we can inject them both:

@Component({   selector: 'app-root',   templateUrl: `     <div>       Hello world!     </div>   ` }) export class AppComponent {   constructor( private router: Router,                private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,                private titleService: Title) {} } 

To update a page title statically, we can simply call setTitle like so:

ngOnInit() {      this.router.events         .filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd)         .map(() => this.activatedRoute)         .map((route) => {             while (route.firstChild) route = route.firstChild;             return route;         })         .filter((route) => route.outlet === 'primary')         .mergeMap((route) => route.data)         .subscribe((event) => {             let title = 'Default Title Here'             if(event['title']) {                 title = event['title'];             }             this.titleService.setTitle(title);         }); } 
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Houtan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
