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How to change the header background color of a QTableView

The following is what I've currently tried. The header text changes color correctly but the background will not change from the default.

template<typename T>
inline QVariant TableModel<T>::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
    else if(role == Qt::BackgroundRole) {
        return QBrush(m_display.headerBackground);

How can I set the background color?

like image 352
andre Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 14:07


People also ask

How do I put a background color on my header?

To add background color in HTML, use the CSS background-color property. Set it to the color name or code you want and place it inside a style attribute. Then add this style attribute to an HTML element, like a table, heading, div, or span tag.

How do I change the background color of my header in Powerpoint?

Go to the Design tab. Click Customize to expand the set of choices for customizing your theme. Click Header Image to choose an image to be the background of the header. Click Header background to choose a color for the header section.

How do I change the background color of a table header in CSS?

By default the header of a Tabular report is white. In order to customize the Table header color, you can do it by adding either CSS or Javascript Code. Also, you can use color name or its hex code and can customize the table header color accordingly.

2 Answers

You can set the style sheet on the QTableView

ui->tableView->setStyleSheet("QHeaderView::section { background-color:red }");

for more info see http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/stylesheet-examples.html

like image 92
Jimmy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09


Here's an alternative solution.

MyTableView::MyTableView( QWidget* parent ) : QTableView( parent )
    // Make a copy of the current header palette.
    QPalette palette = horizontalHeader()->palette();

    // Set the normal/active, background color
    // QPalette::Background is obsolete, use QPalette::Window
    palette.setColor( QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Window, Qt::red );

    // Set the palette on the header.
    horizontalHeader()->setPalette( palette );
like image 45
Matthew Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
