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How to change repositories location in gitolite3



I've just installed gitolite3 and as a default it creates its "home" /var/lib/gitolite3

I want that folder to be somewhere else like /home/gitolite3.

How do I move it there?

All the references I found around the web turn around a REPO_BASE variable that is nowhere to be found.

Any ideas?

like image 865
aarelovich Avatar asked Sep 29 '22 18:09


1 Answers

GL_REPO_BASE is a variable you can set in your ~/.gitolite.rc file.
By default, it references $HOME/repositories.

But this isn't related to where you have installed gitolite.

You can install it wherever you want:

git clone git://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite
gitolite/install -ln /path/to/wherever/you/want
gitolite setup -pk yourname.pub

The OP added in the comments below:

I added this line to the .rc :

 GL_REPO_BASE => "/home/gitolite",

(mind the trailing ',')

like image 128
VonC Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 21:12
