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How to change port of tomcat from eclipse's tomcat plugin

I am using Eclipse Kepler and EclipseTotale's tomcat plugin. I am using Oracle XE at port 8080, and want to run Tomcat at port 9090. I have changed server.xml and changed the port at this line :

 <Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="9090" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 

It still says the address is already in use. Also, I am a little skeptical as to whether changing server.xml will have any effect as I have selected Context Decalration Mode to be Context Files instead of server.xml

Any suggestions ?

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Daud Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 13:09


2 Answers

Just double click on the server listed in Eclipse. Here It will display Server Configuration. Just change the port Number like from 8080 to 9080. and start your server. Dialog box will appear to save the changes. Click yes and server will start. Hope it'll help you.

For details refer; link

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Anuj Sharma Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Anuj Sharma

Open Eclipse Get Server view form Window -> Show View -> Servers Then double click the tomcat server Configuration window open and you can change the ports there.

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Prabhath Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
