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How to change orientation in tig status view




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I need to swicth between landscape and portrait orientations in tig status view cause sometimes diff line doesn't fit to right part of view.

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Evgen Druzhynin Avatar asked Nov 07 '14 12:11

Evgen Druzhynin

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Alternatively to using ~/.tigrc, Tig options can be set by putting them in one of the Git configuration files, which are read by Tig on startup. See git-config (1) for which files to use.

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Certain options can be manipulated at runtime via the option menu. In addition, options can also be toggled with the :toggle prompt command or by entering the configuration command into the prompt. In some environments, a user’s configuration will be stored in the alternate location $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tig/config.

How do I configure Tig to my liking?

Here's how you can configure Tig to your liking, using the example of adding some helpful custom key bindings. Create a file in your home directory called .tigrc. Open ~/.tigrc in your favorite editor and add: Run tig stash to browse your stash, as above.

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Since Tig is a wrapper around git log, it conveniently accepts the same arguments that can be passed to git log. For instance, to browse the commit history for a single file, enter: Compare this with the output of the Git command being wrapped to get a clearer view of how Tig enhances the output.

1 Answers

You can change the orientation use the vertical-split option. In version 2.0, it is set to auto by default, which will use a heuristics to determine whether to use landscape or portrait orientation (note: in the Tig docs this is called horizontal and vertical split).

Following is the option's documentation for version 2.0:

vertical-split (mixed) [auto|]

Whether to split the view horizontally or vertically. "auto" (which is the default) means that it will depend on the window dimensions. When true vertical orientation is used, and false sets the orientation to horizontal.

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Jonas Fonseca Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10

Jonas Fonseca