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How to change metadata with ffmpeg/avconv without creating a new file?

I am writing a python script for producing audio and video podcasts. There are a bunch of recorded media files (audio and video) and text files containing the meta information.

Now I want to program a function which shall add the information from the meta data text files to all media files (the original and the converted ones). Because I have to handle many different file formats (wav, flac, mp3, mp4, ogg, ogv...) it would be great to have a tool which add meta data to arbitrary formats.

My Question:

How can I change the metadata of a file with ffmpeg/avconv without changing the audio or video of it and without creating a new file? Is there another commandline/python tool which would do the job for me?

What I tried so far:

I thought ffmpeg/avconv could be such a tool, because it can handle nearly all media formats. I hoped, that if I set -i input_file and the output_file to the same file, ffmpeg/avconv will be smart enough to leave the file unchanged. Then I could set -metadata key=value and just the metadata will be changed.

But I noticed, that if I type avconv -i test.mp3 -metadata title='Test title' test.mp3 the audio test.mp3 will be reconverted in another bitrate.

So I thought to use -c copy to copy all video and audio information. Unfortunately also this does not work:

:~$ du -h test.wav # test.wav is 303 MB big
303M    test.wav

:~$ avconv -i test.wav -c copy -metadata title='Test title' test.wav
avconv version 0.8.3-4:0.8.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the
Libav    developers
built on Jun 12 2012 16:37:58 with gcc 4.6.3
[wav @ 0x846b260] max_analyze_duration reached
Input #0, wav, from 'test.wav':
Duration: 00:29:58.74, bitrate: 1411 kb/s
    Stream #0.0: Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1411 kb/s
File 'test.wav' already exists. Overwrite ? [y/N] y
Output #0, wav, to 'test.wav':
    title           : Test title
    encoder         : Lavf53.21.0
    Stream #0.0: Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, 1411 kb/s
Stream mapping:
Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy)
Press ctrl-c to stop encoding
size=     896kB time=5.20 bitrate=1411.3kbits/s    
video:0kB audio:896kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 0.005014%

:~$ du -h test.wav # file size of test.wav changed dramatically
900K    test.wav

You see, that I cannot use -c copy if input_file and output_file are the same. Of course I could produce a temporarily file:

:-$ avconv -i test.wav -c copy -metadata title='Test title' test_temp.mp3
:-$ mv test_tmp.mp3 test.mp3

But this solution would create (temporarily) a new file on the filesystem and is therefore not preferable.

like image 729
Stephan Kulla Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 16:07

Stephan Kulla

People also ask

How do I edit metadata in FFmpeg?

Just add use the -metadata in FFmpeg to add any metadata tag, replace the KEY with the name of the metadata value that you'd like to use and the VALUE with that metadata value. Look at the tags for these files with mkvinfo, mediainfo, and ffprobe.

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3 Answers

You can do this with FFmpeg like so:

ffmpeg -i input.avi -metadata key=value -codec copy output.avi


$ du -h test.mov 
 27M    test.mov
$ ffprobe -loglevel quiet -show_format out.mov | grep title    # nothing found
$ ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i test.mov -codec copy -metadata title="My title" out.mov
$ du -h out.mov
 27M    out.mov
$ ffprobe -loglevel quiet -show_format out.mov | grep title
TAG:title=My title

See the documentation for -metadata and on stream copying for more information.

Note also that not all formats allow setting arbitrary metadata, for, e.g., Quicktime doing -metadata title="my title" does what you'd expect, but -metadata foo=bux does nothing.

like image 86
blahdiblah Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10


I asked on the mailing list of avconv and got the following answer:

„No, it's not possible [to change the metadata without creating a new file], neither libavformat API nor avconv design allows for in-place editing of files.“

like image 25
Stephan Kulla Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10

Stephan Kulla

You can also make something like this that deletes the file on success and rename the output

ffmpeg -i default.mp4 -metadata title="my title" -codec copy output.mp4 && mv output.mp4 default.mp4
like image 6
Jeremy Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10
