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How to change ipch path in Visual Studio 2010

I saw that VS2010 creates some files in the solution folder(.sdf, .suo, .ipch, etc). Is it possible to change the folder where these files are created?


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Mircea Ispas Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 15:11

Mircea Ispas

People also ask

What are Visual Studio IPCH files?

Developer file used by Microsoft Visual C++, an IDE used for Windows C++ programming; contains precompiled header information used by Intellisense, Microsoft's code assistance module used for code hinting, documentation, and autocompletion while the programmer types source code.

Can you delete IPCH folder?

Managed to find a pretty informative answer from the MSDN support forums: I'm not only a C# moderator but also a C++ user :} The ipch directory and the many, many new files generated by the compiler can be safely deleted. In fact they should be deleted (and probably are) for clean builds.

1 Answers

The ipch folder is created by the IntelliSense system and it's location cannot be changed on a per-solution basis. However, you can have VS 2010 store all of your projects' ipch folders in your %TEMP%\VC++ folder. Select Tools > Options > Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced. Once there, you'll see a Fallback Location section. Change Always Use Fallback Location to True. Leave Fallback Location blank and it will put them in your %TEMP% folder. Once you've changed that, you can remove your ipch folder and your *.sdf & *.opensdf files. They will be recreated in the fall-back location. Note, you may want to backup those files if you're picky about the window layout, etc for the project.

I learned this from this MSDN Blog Post. Also note that a *.suo file will still be created in the same location as your solution. I'm not sure how to change that.

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alyawn Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10
