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how to change image src using props with styled component and react

I want to reuse my component for multiple pages. so, I have to change img src in styled.img component as passing props.

is it possible to change image src on styled component ?

I applied my code like below. it's not working..


import Myimg from './img/icon_my';

const OngoingLists = ({ ...props }) => {
  return (
      <ProgramListWrap {...props}>
        <IconWrap {...props} >
          <MyIcon {...props} />

// styled component 
const MyIcon = styled.img.attrs({
  src: props => props.Img || { Myimg },
  width: 100%;

I tried like above, any image doesn't show...even default img file doesn't show.. how can I change src file by using props ?? should I use background-image ?

thanks for ur help in advance ! :)

like image 809
adorablej Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 16:03


1 Answers

Styled components are still just react components, and you can simply provide a default prop value in the case a src prop isn't passed when used.

import Myimg from './img/icon_my';

const MyIcon = styled.img`
  width: 100%;

MyIcon.defaultProps = {
  src: Myimg,


<MyIcon /> // uses default Myimg
<MyIcon src="/path/to/sourceImage" /> // uses "/path/to/sourceImage"

Edit charming-sunset-fpd6c

BTW Correct attrs format to accept props would be to define a function taking props and returning an object:

const MyIcon = styled.img.attrs(props => ({
  src: props.Img || Myimg,
  width: 100px;
like image 132
Drew Reese Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 04:04

Drew Reese