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How to change embedded tomcat's version in existing spring boot app?

I'm currently running spring-boot version 1.4.0.RELEASE application with embedded tomcat. Included Tomcat's version is 8.5.4

There's a need to update the tomcat version to 9.x. When I looked at mvnrepository here, I found that there's an update available to tomcat version 9.0.5 (shown in pic below)

enter image description here

How should I use this version in my project if there's no way to directly mention this version in my pom.xml?

I do not want to go the traditional deployment route (WAR artifacts on external tomcats).

like image 490
shankulk Avatar asked Mar 09 '18 11:03


2 Answers

Late to the party I know, was looking for a similar issue, thought I'd share a more literal hint.

You need to override the properties set in spring's parent pom (which is mandatory for this) to suit your case (and compatibility too):


This is according to [Introduction to Spring][1]. Their example shows many other dependencies cherry-picked. [1]: http://www.springboottutorial.com/spring-boot-starter-parent

like image 51
ptrk Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09


If you are using spring boot gradle plugin and spring boot starters ..you can customise the version by setting maven project properties in build.gradle.

ext['tomcat.version'] = '9.0.45'

for maven


You can find all the external dependencies that can be customised in spring-boot-dependencies

like image 24
Thilak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
