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How to change class definition on runtime?




Is there a way for me to change the properties a class has (add/remove properties) on runtime?

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mcabral Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 05:12


2 Answers

You cannot do this unless you are working with an instance of ExpandoObject. The metadata for a CLR type is fixed in the assembly and cannot be changed at execution time. If you really need this kind of dynamic behavior you must use a dynamic type (like EpandoObject) that supports this behavior.

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Andrew Hare Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 18:12

Andrew Hare

Just to add to Andrew Hare's reply: With C# 4 and .NET 4 you can inherit from DynamicObject and redefine what it means to take various actions on an instance of the type. DynamicObject defines a number of virtual methods that you can override to take control of what it means to e.g. access a property. You could use this to allow properties to be added/removed to the instance, which is pretty much what ExpandoObject does.

For more about ExpandoObject see this question and this blog post.

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Brian Rasmussen Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 17:12

Brian Rasmussen