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How to change background of Leaflet map in RStudio?





I'm creating a Shiny App using a leaflet widget. My map has a simple Shapefile with no basemap engaged. Leaflet renders a default grey background. I would like to change the background to white.

I see some answers using javascript code, but I am unfamiliar how to implement this in the R language.

like image 634
Natalie Pace Avatar asked Apr 17 '17 00:04

Natalie Pace

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1 Answers

You can change the Leaflet default background color with CSS, see this related question.

You can use custom CSS in your Shiny app by adding it into the HTML head of the Shiny output:

ui <- fluidPage(
    tags$style(HTML(".leaflet-container { background: #f00; }"))
  # etc.
# etc.

Other possibilites for adding styles, for example with external CSS files, are explained in the Shiny documentation.

like image 121
chrki Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
