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How to change API level 8 to 3 in Eclipse

I am using eclipse for android where my API level is 8, i tried project->properties->android-> but here it it showing me only one checkbox for API level 8. please guide me what to do??

like image 363
Neha Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 19:12


2 Answers

i tried project->properties->android-> but here it it showing me only one checkbox for API level 8. please guide me what to do??

Off course it shows only one checkbox for API level 8, because may be you have downloaded only the SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8 And API level 3 means you want to run your application on Android 1.5. So you also have to download SDK Platform Android 1.5, API 3

To download this open the Android SDK and AVD Manager and click on Available Packages. Here you can find SDK Platform Android 1.5, API 3 inside the Android Repository and after downloading this you have to create a new Android Virtual Device by selecting Target as Android 1.5 API Level 3. After that you will be able to change API Level 8 to 3

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Vikas Patidar Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 21:01

Vikas Patidar

First: Install the desidered apis in your AVD-Manager.

Second: You have also to change the line <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" /> in your AndroidManifest.xml

best regards

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fmo Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 22:01
