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How to change an initial size of qtcreator's qtcreator_process_stub window (on Ubuntu)?

I have an application being developed in QT Creator on Ubuntu. I need to run some tests and to see their results I use console — qtcreator_process_stub window is opened. And now comes my question: how to set its initial size? (especially the width to make results more readable). Setting the width by mouse each time I run my app is quite annoying.

like image 877
jacek.ciach Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 04:02


2 Answers

I found a simple solution:

Go to Tools->Options->General->Environment: System->Terminal. There is a command used to invoke a terminal. In my case I needed to change the command to:

xterm -geometry 250 -e

That's all;)

like image 168
jacek.ciach Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 22:04


Maybe it will be useful for Windows users:

You can right click on the console title bar (when running your program), select properties and change the font size (or other properties) in the font tab. It will be remembered for the future sessions.

For changing console size from command starts console use cmd.exe "/k mode con: cols=150 lines=50" (not working from Qt for me, changing COMSPEC do nothing).

like image 38
Vitaly Inflyanskas Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 21:04

Vitaly Inflyanskas