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How to change a value of a field using MySQL Workbench?

I have installed MySQL Workbench and I have the following problem.

I perform this simple select query:

SELECT * FROM spring_security.user; 

that returns a list of rows.

So, in the output area, I select a field of a specific row and I try to change its value. But I can't do it.

Seems that is is impossible insert a new value for a specific field of a specific row.

Why? How can I use this tool to change a value?

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AndreaNobili Avatar asked Oct 16 '15 17:10


People also ask

How do I change a value in MySQL Workbench?

Click a field once to select it (the cursor changes into text cursor), and click a second time to start editing in-place in the Result Grid, or. Right click on a the field and select the "Open Value in Editor" option.

How do I change a field value in MySQL?

To replace, use the REPLACE() MySQL function. Since you need to update the table for this, use the UPDATE() function with the SET clause.

How do I edit a column in MySQL Workbench?

You can change it by following these step : Right click the table shown at the left in Schema tab of workbench and then select Alter Table . You will get a window like this -> Here you can see the column names available, edit here and click on apply.

Which command is used to modify the field values in MySQL?

We can use the alter command to change the data type of a field from say string to numeric, change the field name to a new name or even add a new column in a table.

1 Answers

You can do easy with MySql Workbench this way :

in menu database simply connect

then select the database you need and then the table.

Positioning the mouse over the table name in table schemas explore and so you can see on the rightside a table icon.

Selecting/clicking this icon you can see the date in tabular form (like Toad).

With this tabular form you can edit and apply the change

Applying the change MySql Workbench show you the sql code and ask for confirm (the apply button is on the lower right corner of the table)

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ScaisEdge Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
