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How to change a django QueryDict to Python Dict?




People also ask

How do I update QueryDict?

You can't change the request. GET or request. POST as they are instances of QueryDict which are immutable according to the docs: QueryDict instances are immutable, unless you create a copy() of them.

What is QueryDict Django?

In an HttpRequest object, the GET and POST attributes are instances of django. http. QueryDict , a dictionary-like class customized to deal with multiple values for the same key. This is necessary because some HTML form elements, notably <select multiple> , pass multiple values for the same key.

New in Django >= 1.4.



This should work: myDict = dict(queryDict.iterlists())

This is what I've ended up using:

def qdict_to_dict(qdict):
    """Convert a Django QueryDict to a Python dict.

    Single-value fields are put in directly, and for multi-value fields, a list
    of all values is stored at the field's key.

    return {k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v for k, v in qdict.lists()}

From my usage this seems to get you a list you can send back to e.g. a form constructor.

EDIT: maybe this isn't the best method. It seems if you want to e.g. write QueryDict to a file for whatever crazy reason, QueryDict.urlencode() is the way to go. To reconstruct the QueryDict you simply do QueryDict(urlencoded_data).

from django.utils import six 
post_dict = dict(six.iterlists(request.POST))

If you do not want the values as Arrays you can do the following:

# request = <QueryDict: {u'key': [u'123ABC']}>
dict(zip(request.GET.keys(), request.GET.values()))
{u'key': u"123ABC" }

# Only work for single item lists
# request = <QueryDict: {u'key': [u'123ABC',U 'CDEF']}>
dict(zip(request.GET.keys(), request.GET.values()))
{u'key': u"CDEF" } 

zip is a powerful tool read more about it here http://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#zip