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How to chain multiple re.sub() commands in Python [duplicate]




I would like to do multiple re.sub() replacements on a string and I'm replacing with different strings each time.

This looks so repetitive when I have many substrings to replace. Can someone please suggest a nicer way to do this?

stuff = re.sub('__this__', 'something', stuff)
stuff = re.sub('__This__', 'when', stuff)
stuff = re.sub(' ', 'this', stuff)
stuff = re.sub('.', 'is', stuff)
stuff = re.sub('__', 'different', stuff).capitalize()
like image 438
JTFouquier Avatar asked Sep 20 '17 17:09


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1 Answers

Store the search/replace strings in a list and loop over it:

replacements = [
    ('__this__', 'something'),
    ('__This__', 'when'),
    (' ', 'this'),
    ('.', 'is'),
    ('__', 'different')

for old, new in replacements:
    stuff = re.sub(old, new, stuff)

stuff = stuff.capitalize()

Note that when you want to replace a literal . character you have to use '\.' instead of '.'.

like image 99
mkrieger1 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10
