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How to chain http calls with superagent/supertest?

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What library does SuperTest make use of to perform requests?

What Is SuperTest? SuperTest is a Node. js library that helps developers test APIs. It extends another library called superagent, a JavaScript HTTP client for Node.

What is SuperAgent used for?

SuperAgent is light-weight progressive ajax API crafted for flexibility, readability, and a low learning curve after being frustrated with many of the existing request APIs. It also works with Node.

Tried to put this in a comment above, formatting wasn't working out.

I'm using async, which is really standard and works really well.

it('should respond to only certain methods', function(done) {
        function(cb) { request(app).get('/').expect(404, cb); },
        function(cb) { request(app).get('/new').expect(200, cb); },
        function(cb) { request(app).post('/').send({prop1: 'new'}).expect(404, cb); },
        function(cb) { request(app).get('/0').expect(200, cb); },
        function(cb) { request(app).get('/0/edit').expect(404, cb); },
        function(cb) { request(app).put('/0').send({prop1: 'new value'}).expect(404, cb); },
        function(cb) { request(app).delete('/0').expect(404, cb); },
    ], done);

The calls are made asynchronous, so you need to use callback functions to chain them.

it('should respond to GET with added items', function(done) {
    var agent = request(app);
                .set("Accept", "application/json")
                .end(function(err, res) {

This can be most elegantly solved with promises, and there's a really useful library to use promises with supertest: https://www.npmjs.com/package/supertest-as-promised

Their example:

return request(app)
  .then(function (res) {
    return request(app)
      .send({ userId: res})
  .then(function (res) {
    // ... 

I built upon Tim’s reply but used async.waterfall instead, to be able to do assert tests on the results (note: I use Tape here instead of Mocha):

test('Test the entire API', function (assert) {
    const app = require('../app/app');
            (cb) => request(app).get('/api/accounts').expect(200, cb),
            (results, cb) => { assert.ok(results.body.length, 'Returned accounts list'); cb(null, results); },
            (results, cb) => { assert.ok(results.body[0].reference, 'account #0 has reference'); cb(null, results); },
            (results, cb) => request(app).get('/api/plans').expect(200, cb),
            (results, cb) => request(app).get('/api/services').expect(200, cb),
            (results, cb) => request(app).get('/api/users').expect(200, cb),
        (err, results) => {