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How to chain AngularJS filters in controller


I have few filters in view

  <tr ng-repeat="x in list | filter:search| offset:currentPage*pageSize| limitTo:pageSize "> 

In my project to achieve good result, i have to make this filtering in controller not in view

i know the basic syntax $filter('filter')('x','x') but i don't know how to make chain of filters in controller, so everything will work as in my example from template.

I found some solution, now just with one filter, but should work with many ;)

       $scope.data = data; //my geojson from factory//         $scope.geojson = {}; //i have to make empty object to extend it scope later with data, it is solution i found for leaflet //         $scope.geojson.data = [];         $scope.FilteredGeojson = function() {         var result = $scope.data;         if ($scope.data) {           result = $filter('limitTo')(result,10);           $scope.geojson.data = result;           console.log('success');        }            return result;         }; 

and i use this function in ng-repeat works fine, but i have to check it with few filters.

like image 242
IOR88 Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 01:01


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Filters can be applied to the result of another filter. This is called "chaining" and uses the following syntax: {{ expression | filter1 | filter2 | ... }} E.g. the markup {{ 1234 | number:2 }} formats the number 1234 with 2 decimal points using the number filter.

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The chaining filters are used to perform the multiple filter operations within the single result. This chaining filters operation will be chained using the pipe (|) symbol.

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You can load only a specific filter by appending the filter name with Filter . app. controller('MyController', function(uppercaseFilter) { // HELLO var text = uppercaseFilter('hello'); // Hello var text = uppercaseFilter('hello', true); });

Which is the correct way to apply a filter in AngularJS?

In AngularJS, you can also inject the $filter service within the controller and can use it with the following syntax for the filter. Syntax: $filter("filter")(array, expression, compare, propertyKey) function myCtrl($scope, $filter) { $scope. finalResult = $filter("filter")( $scope.

1 Answers

You can just re-filter what you get returned from your first filter. So on and so forth.

var filtered; filtered = $filter('filter')($scope.list, {name: $scope.filterParams.nameSearch}); filtered = $filter('orderBy')(filtered, $scope.filterParams.order); 

Below plunkr demonstrates the above.


like image 76
Angad Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
