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How to Centre the titlePanel in Shiny?




In the Shiny package of R, how can you make the text in the titlePanel be centred on the top of the page?

Here is an example of what I mean

The only code I've used for the titlePanel is:

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("How to Centre Me??")

When I look at the documentation, the only variables the function takes is:

titlePanel(title, windowTitle = title)

So is it possible to centre the title?


like image 791
Sierra Papa Delta Avatar asked Jul 12 '18 05:07

Sierra Papa Delta

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You can use tahs$h1() to h6() to add headings, or add text using textOutput(). You can add text using text within quotes(" ").

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Shiny has many functions that can transform plain text into formatted text. Simply place text inside the h1() function to create a primary header (e.g. a title), h2() for a secondary header, strong() to make text bold, em() to make text italicized, or any of the other formatting functions.

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3 Answers

In case anyone is still in need of a simple solution:

    h1("First level title", align = "center")
like image 91
BerriJ Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11


You can use column() function.

like this:

           column(3,offset = 4, titlePanel("How to Centre Me??")) 

where 3 is column width and offset you can adjust according to your requirement.

like image 38
Subhasish1315 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


With css:

ui <- fluidPage(
      ".title {margin: auto; width: 200px}"
  tags$div(class="title", titlePanel("Centered title"))
like image 20
Stéphane Laurent Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Stéphane Laurent