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How to center crop a video thumbnail (Square thumbnail) in ffmpeg?

I am new to ffmpeg and I want to create a square thumbnail of size 500x500 by cropping the center of the video, irrespective of width and height. How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance.

like image 942
WebDiva Avatar asked Sep 11 '20 16:09


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FFmpeg crop example: crop a section of 100x100 from the top left of the video. To crop a section of 100x100 pixels from the top left (so the x and y are 0) of a video, use: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "crop=100:100:0:0" output.mp4 FFmpeg crop example: crop the 100x100 pixels top right section of a video.

Video Answer

1 Answers

First crop, then scale.

ffmpeg -i in -vf "crop=w='min(min(iw\,ih)\,500)':h='min(min(iw\,ih)\,500)',scale=500:500,setsar=1" -vframes 1 thumbnail.jpg

x and y for crop aren't set as they default to center crop.

ffmpeg -i in -vf "crop=w='min(iw\,ih)':h='min(iw\,ih)',scale=500:500,setsar=1" -vframes 1 thumbnail.jpg

This will select the largest square possible and scalethat to 500x500.

like image 61
Gyan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10
